[ale] Re: Red Hat scare tactics

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Thu Oct 16 09:55:56 EDT 2003

On Thursday 16 October 2003 08:51 am, Christopher Fowler wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 08:37:55AM -0400, James P. Kinney III wrote:
> > The release rate for the RedHat branded stuff will no longer be every 6
> > months or so.  It will be tied to a specific release of Enterprise
> > Server and Advanced server. Both of those are slated to have release
> > cycles around 2 years (sounds like M$) with the usual bug and security
> > fixes as needed. There will be no more "enhancement" upgrades from RHN.
> Are you saying that If I want to be on bleeding edge I need to
> look to another distro?  For example,  If KDE 4 comes out I
> want it fast and do not want to wait 2 years to get it.  Sure I
> can download, build and install but I would prefer a distro that had
> it cleanly integrated.

Depends on whether you think that fedora is redhat or not.  If you like RH and 
want cutting edge, fedora should satisfy you.  It will probably be more 
cutting edge that RH Linux used to be.

Another option is KRUD from tummy.com.  That's a distribution that tracks RH 
and adds inthe latest updates and sometimes upgrades, too.  I don't know 
whether they will track Fedora, now, or one of the RH Enterprise Linuxes.


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