[ale] beeping sendmail.cf [was: beeping procmail]

Alan Bowman aminus at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 14 20:26:14 EDT 2003

>That sounds good; I just wanted the beeps to go away.  :-)  Turns out
>I set beep=no in muttrc, but I am still hearing beeps, so at least
>some beeps are coming from somewhere else.  Ah well.  Back to looking
>for the cause of the irritating beeps during mail fetch...

  I run Slack 9, with a default sendmail install. I get a very low,
almost inaudible beep when mail downloads. If I'm downloading a lot of
mail, I get maybe one beep.  What WindowManager are you running? Is it
possible that the WindowManager is set to beep at certian events?


"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite."

                -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays", 1928

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