[ale] OT: am I paranoid?

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 9 12:27:17 EDT 2003

Social Security Numbers should never be used socially, for security, or
for numeric needs (ie: PIN numbers).  

IMO, the SSA should eliminate SSNs as we know and rely soley on a chip
impanted in your body shortly after birth... but that is probably too
off topic a discussion for this list. :)

-Jim P.

On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 09:22, Geoffrey wrote:
> Okay folks, quick question.  A credit union I belong to has started a 
> contest on an online newsletter.  The contest consists of posting the 
> last 5 digits of 5 different credit union members SSN in the webpage.
> If you find your 5 digits there, you win. Now I know it's not the whole 
> thing, but I personally have a problem with this.
> So, thoughts?  We can take this to private email please..

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