[ale] New website for H1B [Slightly OT]

F. Grant Robertson f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com
Wed May 28 17:13:17 EDT 2003

Drew, this is just pathetic..  First, I can't respect any man who taints a good steak with A1 sauce but, on a more serious note I meant it when I said I don't have to prove diddly to you. That you, as a less than amateur programmer and a complete failure at solving even the simplest problems with Linux without running to the list and begging for answers would even think yourself able to play in my ballpark shows exactly how inflated your sense of self really is.

For what it's worth, I've written your quote grabber, a long long time ago as something to fill an afternoon.  I've probably got the code somewhere but, it's really quite irrelevant. Gee, calling a module in PERL and running an insert query, then doing it again. Yah, you got me drew, that's just damn good programming.. I'm not worthy. Your right, I'm a washed up loser, I'll be closing down my consulting business and applying for a job at Taco Bell, thank you so much for showing me the error of my ways.

And furthermore, your assertion that I am emotionally unstable is insulting, in fact, for someone who claims to not have thrown a flame during this thread, that statement seems mighty orange and hot. I don't need to prove my emotional stability to anyone, let alone you. I had a rather low opinion of you to start with, and this has only served to drop the bar a few more notches. You have little if any idea what your talking about, and even less ability to manage those who do. That you are able to tie your own shoes without asking for opinions on a mailing list completely amazes me. 

I'm done, you won't catch another word out of me on this subject, and quite frankly, I think you've done a fabulous job at showing us exactly how much of a jack ass you are. 

Wishing you a clue, and a personality,

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