[ale] New website for H1B [Slightly OT]

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Wed May 28 15:47:18 EDT 2003

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 11:42, tom hawks wrote:
> I usually try to out of discussions like these, but
> what is wrong with trying to make as much money as
> possible.
Nothing is wrong with trying to make more money when there are features and 
benefits to support the higher price. And really, nothing is wrong with 
simply charging a higher price - just don't expect the government to defend 
your costs.

> Who wouldn't rather drive an X5 instead of a
> Honda Accord. 
Me. I am tall and cannot fit in the X5 ;)

> I like being able to afford a house in
> town and not have to live in a mobile home somewhere.
> I am sure that there are some people who truly do not
> care one bit about money, but I bet it is very few.
I try not to focus directly on money, but I care about it. My position is not 
that US programmer live in apartments. My position is that they should be 
able to defend their value without goverment intervention. A good example of 
this is Bob Toxen. He defends his work well - and probably should be paid his 
asking price. He even initiated a challenge to the world - and yet "steak" 
programmers on this list fall short of being able to do the same.

> If
> some of you have projects and need programmers and can
> afford them, hire friends or people off this list who
> need work. I always try to help people out if I can.
I do that, but I don't pay 3 times the 3rd lowest bid.

> Why price the market down to $20 an hour.
Actually, I get find I can get workers for less than that. 
Why price it up to $70?

> Some people are bashing others but then at the same
> time ask a lot of questions about stuff that really
> could be answered with a little googling.
I am not sure what part of this discussion could be googled. I can demonstrate 
my position using ScriptLance.com - but I don't know the "keywords" to look 
up that would offer anything to this thread. Further, I don't really see lots 
of bashing this time - it is minimal and tolerable compared to the last time 
H1B hit the boards.

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