[ale] New website for H1B [Slightly OT]

Andrew Newton anewton at ecotroph.net
Tue May 27 18:49:01 EDT 2003

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> From what I have seen US programmers are like to Microsoft and "offshore" 
> programmers are like Linux (and that seems to include George Carless, and 
> maybe everyone on this list). Overpriced, slow, less (emotionally) stable, 
> egotistical, wanting to maintain a monopoly VS. cheaper, quick, professional, 
> humble (here is your working code, is there anything else you need?), just 
> wanting the work, and get paid the US dollar.


I thank you for giving ammunition to the no-more-H1B crowd.  This 
certainly moved the "discussion" further along.

As an American citizen working in the IT field, I was only sympathetic 
with their arguments.  After being compared to MSFT, I might just switch 


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