[ale] newbie kernel question

Joseph Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Fri May 23 20:07:54 EDT 2003

"ChangingLINKS.com" <x3 at ChangingLINKS.com> writes:

> apparently Yast2 installed the wrong kernel source on my Suse8.2 box. It does 
> not seem to match with the "kernel headers."

How are you determining this? In general, the "kernel headers"
installed by the distro should be used to compile all userspace
software, *regardeless* of what kernel is running -- those headers
represent the data structures used to compile glibc, not the internal
data structures used in the kernel itself. So it's not unusual to run
a kernel built from sources whose header files don't match those in

> How do I find out what kernel 
> version I am running from the command line?

man uname


-- Joe
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