[ale] Is there anyone out there that fully understands the boot process ? If yes, please help...........

Courtney Thomas ccthomas at flash.net
Thu May 15 12:25:13 EDT 2003

I have for some time been attempting to create a set of 2 
floppies.....boot and root. I have boot working fine with all my 
necessary drivers. But when the boot floppy asks for the root floppy to 
be inserted, I then do so and all seems to be underway.... but after 
mounting /proc, the system hangs with the floppy activity light on and 
no error message.......

I have read and followed the Bootdisk-HOWTO entirely but it gives only a 
general outline of the process and I am unable to discern where I am in 
the boot process nor do I know how to single step through the bootup to 
possibly discern the problem more clearly.

Anyone who understands what's going on and how to trouble shoot this is 
requested to straighten me out here.

Thank you.

In response to an article in The Economist entitled Marx After Communism 
dated 12/21/02,

".....we have a president purchased by corporations in a sham election 
who has put those corporations in charge of their own regulation. A 
string of corporate scandals has exposed the myth of shareholder 

Mark Spohr	Tahoe City, Ca. [1/18/03]

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