[ale] Gnome session logout script??? help.

Keith Morris graphicsguy at attbi.com
Tue May 6 19:43:11 EDT 2003

Jason, thank you SO much. that was perfect.  I'm very new and the script
was perfect.

All I did was create the file in the user's home directory called
.xsession made it executable and put the following script into it.  It
works perfectly.

ssh-agent gnome-session;
rm -rf `find /tmp/ -name \* -user julie`;

thanks again.


On Mon, 2003-05-05 at 22:57, Jason Day wrote:
> On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 10:24:13PM -0400, Keith Morris wrote:
> [snip]
> > I want to killev, rm -rf /tmp/orbit-julie and rm -rf /tmp/evolution* if
> > it is owned by user julie.
> > 
> > Here's where I am so far...
> > 
> > #!/bin/sh
> > killev;
> > rm -rf /tmp/orbit-julie;
> > 
> > if you could help me finish it that would be great.
> rm -rf `find /tmp -name evolution\* -user julie`
> > 
> > Now, once that is done, how do I get it to execute on Gnome session
> > logout?  I am Googled out!
> I don't know how to do this from within gnome, but you could create your
> own custom xsession and do it from there.  This will require a bit of
> research, but basically you want to create an ~/.Xsession file, which
> duplicates your normal X session.  Typically something like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> ssh-agent gnome-session
> Then add a line at the end that just calls your cleanup script:
> #!/bin/sh
> ssh-agent gnome-session
> cleanup.sh
> Then, when you login, tell gdm (or xdm, kdm, whatever) to login using an
> Xsession.  When you logout of gnome, the gnome-session command ends, and
> your cleanup script will then get executed.  Look in /etc/gdm/Sessions,
> man gdm, man xdm, man xinit for more information.
> HTH,
> Jason
Keith Morris <graphicsguy at attbi.com>
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