[ale] X application as root

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Tue May 6 18:05:14 EDT 2003

Jason Day wrote:

>On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 10:53:16AM -0400, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
>>You might see if running 'xhost +' in another window (or before you su) 
>>makes a difference.  I've had to do that on some systems.
>I view xhost in the same light as telnet: both are insecure, both have
>(more) secure replacements, and neither is necessary any longer.  I
>would recommend staying away from xhost if at all possible.
Great.  what is the secure and "not longer" way to grant full access to 
a particular host? (i.e. xhost +ipaddr).


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