[ale] Large File-System Support w/2.4.9 using megaraid driver

Steven A. DuChene linux-clusters at mindspring.com
Mon May 5 19:02:52 EDT 2003

On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 12:13:14PM -0400, Jonathan Glass wrote:
> Anyone seen this type of behavior before?  Any ideas who I should bug
> about this possible software bug?  I cannot tell who is maintaining the
> driver code from the megaraid.c or ChangeLog.megaraid files.  I have a
> call in with Dell support.

Have you tried contacting AMI? They probably know who is maintaining code
for their hardware. Don't know if they still are but they used to be located
up in Norcross, GA.
Steven A. DuChene     linux-clusters at mindspring.com
                      sduchene at mindspring.com
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