[ale] Weekend laugh - m$ to become more like *nix

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat May 3 01:04:58 EDT 2003

Jonathan Rickman wrote:
> This brings an interesting question to light...
> If Microsoft started stealing GPL'ed code and including it in Windows (a
> few pieces at a time), effectively creating their own distro and violating
> the GPL...how would we know? We can't review the source, and MD5 sigs and
> the like would be circumstantial evidence at best. Barring a court order,
> how do we *really* know that this isn't happening already?

I would suggest that someone with a good bit of knowledge of the 
existing GPL code could give it a go with a binary editor, strings 
commands and such.  It's quite difficult to duplicate code 
implementation without retaining some of the original code.  Even the 
binary will retain legible symbols and constructs.  It would actually be 
kinda fun...  Code forensics..

> Any takers?
> --
> Jonathan Rickman
> X Corps Security
> http://www.xcorps.net
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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