[ale] firewalls... illegal? Cany anyone read legalese?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 31 09:56:56 EST 2003

Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Because you obviously owe them money.  They "licenced" you a connection
> for 1 computer with the understanding you'd pay more for additional by
> upgrading to a business or other account if you needed more.

This is dependent upon the ISP.  Speedfactory does not charge this way, 
whereas BellSouth has a specific package for such purposes.  I have 
spoken to BellSouth regarding this and was told that it is actually 
acceptable to them to do your own nat if you've got the ability to do 
so.  Thing is, you won't find this information published anywhere on 
their web site, and I don't believe that's an oversight.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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