[ale] firewalls... illegal? Cany anyone read legalese?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 31 09:45:44 EST 2003

Robert L. Harris wrote:
> (Of course IANAL):
>   Um, so I've got 6 machines at home on a normal "home" account.  To run
> multiple machines I'm supposed to have multiple IP's they can charge me
> for in their mindset.  Thus in thier opinion I'm defrauding them by not
> paying them for all the computers I have hooked up to my cable modem...

I've not read the docs, but, it would be virtually impossible for 
everyone (corporate/individuals) to start using static ip's.  We would 
certainly run out of them.  Think of the large corportations such as 
IBM, AT&T and such.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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