[ale] About Wireless Connectivity

Hogg, Russell E ctcrreho at opm.gov
Thu Mar 27 16:49:24 EST 2003

I recently (October) did some war driving in the ATL area, I was just looking of course as I have a conscience and a healthy respect for the FBI.

In two or 3 days I mapped perhaps 4 or 500 APs.  Roughly 30 percent of them had WEP enabled.  On the other end maybe another 30% still showed the default SSIDs.  

Now I didn't check of course, but plenty of those probably still had the default passwords from the manufacturer in place.

For what it's worth that was using netstumbler for windows before I got Kismet going.  Kismet will pick up Aps that aren't broadcasting even.

So I would have missed some APs that were well locked down.  
(worthy of note)

That's why I think WEP is worth it, so many easier targets out there why would they bother with yours.

As far as staying away from the wireless bug, Most people I know wouldn't want to go back.  Its one of those technologies that in the home might seem like it wouldn't offer much but after you do it you wonder how you got by in the days when you actually had to plug in.

My 2 cents


_ ___________________________________ _
Russell Hogg
ctcrreho at opm.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: tfreeman at intel.digichem.net [mailto:tfreeman at intel.digichem.net] 
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:33 PM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: [ale] About Wireless Connectivity

The comments about securing wireless lans leave me glad that I've decided 
to _not_ utilize the technology and stick with physical wireing. I don't 
want to work with another layer of complexity.

However, it also begs the question of "How open are most wireless 
systems?", or perhaps better stated "How clueless are most network 
admins?" A friend in security has indicated some real horror stories, but 
has anybody actually surveyed a major city with the idea of quantifying 
the situation?

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