[ale] [OT] Assemblers for hire?

Christopher Bergeron christopher at bergeron.com
Tue Mar 25 22:43:55 EST 2003

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John - thanks for the reply...  So whom do I place this "bid" with?

- -CB

John Mills wrote:

|hey, thar --
|On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Christopher Bergeron wrote:
|>Does anyone know of any companies/places/people (U.S. ONLY! Preferably
|>Atlanta) that offer Electronic Assemblers for hire?  I've got a few
|>basic circuits that my company needs produced in large quantity.  I'm
|>trying to make as many as I can at home, but at this point I need to
|>hire someone to do this for us.  I don't want to pay too much money per
|>hour (obviously); but I will for an experienced solderer/assembler that
|>produces a decent number of units / hour.
|I worked with a small company that is currently short of work. I don't
|know if they would be interested in contract assembly, but I could ask. if
|they aren't interested, they may have some suggestions to pass back.
|>How does one typically guage this?  By the number of solder points?  By
|>the number of components?
|I would ask for a bid on a specified number of units. Services like
|kitting, testing, parts pickup, testing, packaging, etc. might be
|available. PWB complexity, pin spacing, special handling precautions,
|delivery schedule and other details would surely influence the price.
| John Mills
| john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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