[ale] X hangs at start

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Fri Mar 21 11:35:33 EST 2003

At either the Jan or Feb ALE Central meeting I asked if anyone could 
explain why my .Xclients script would hang before it did anything.  I now 
have additional information, but I still don't understand.  I'm hoping 
someone can shed some light.

It turns out that it was hanging in my .bashrc file.  For several years 
I've had these lines in my .bashrc:
	# turn off XON/XOFF, but only for a tty
	tty > /dev/null && stty -ixon -ixoff
I've been using RedHat 8.0 for several months, but after upgrading to KDE 
3.1 (and now 3.1.1) that line stopped working.  In fact, it would hang 
forever when my .Xclients started running after startx.

Now, I rarely log out or reboot, and I'm sure I ugraded other parts of my 
system before I did the kde.  It doesn't make sense that a KDE upgrade 
would break things, so I'm guessing it isn't a KDE problem.  Some other 
part of the system is hanging me up.

Any clues?


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