[ale] Gnome workspace and overlapping windows

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 17 15:17:27 EST 2003

James Sumners wrote:

> I like the integration of the applications, gnomeicu and gaim being the big
> pluses, but if this stuff can not be rectified I may just have to go back to
> enlightenment. I have not tried to integrate enlightenment as the window manager
> for Gnome but I don't think it works so great any more from what I hear.

I am currently using gnome 2.2 with enlightenment.  I've got three 
panels.  The main problems I have are as follows:

1. gnome windows list does not work at all with E.
2. When I restart gnome/enlightenment, I have to do some manual set up 
of various items.  For example, my main panel is sticky, my other two 
are not, therefore I have to manually reset their sticky settings.

I miss the window list in gnome, and the one for E isn't as functional, 
but I get by.

Someone else pointed me to fancylauncher to use with E, but the gnome 
panels work better for me.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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