[ale] OT: more info on where all the jobs are (going...)

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Mar 16 18:36:00 EST 2003

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> No -  No. I was replying to a post which included a fantasy of a war between 
> India and Pakistan.
> I am willing to bet $3 that we will formally enter/declare war with Iraq 
> before India and Pakistan exchange nukes. That is all. Marvin, do you take 
> the bet, or stand down? (I hear an "I don't bet" post coming).
> Drew
> PS I think war with Iraq and economic instability are a key feature of this 
> thread insofar as speculating where the IT jobs will be in 1-2 years. No?

No, at least the start of the thread made no reference to Iraq at all. 
Other's may have dragged it that way.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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