[ale] hard drive and databases and missing data

Marvin Dickens mpdickens at tlanta.com
Sun Mar 16 09:26:43 EST 2003

On 16 Mar 2003 10:23:20 -0500
"James P. Kinney III" <jkinney at localnetsolutions.com> wrote the following:

> Except that if that were the case, the problem would be persistent, not
> intermittent. The exact same setup, right down to version numbers, is
> running with no problems on the production server. The demo box was a
> clone made from the backups of the production box.


1.) Code has somehow become corrupted
2.) If this is a new installation, something did not install correctly
3.) A hard drive or memory is failing

I'm not being much help, which is obvious: Sorry.


Marvin Dickens
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Ale at ale.org

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