[ale] Slightly [OT]

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Mar 14 16:36:32 EST 2003

I personally think you're better off doing research and then playing 
with it then to do some certification process.  Get a copy of Bob 
Toxen's book and read it cover to cover.  He covers a wider range of 
system security then any book I've seen.  Make sure you get the 2nd edition.

George Johnson wrote:
> I am looking into learning security for networks etc.  I found CompTIA
> Security+ certification and need to know where to go from there.  Does
> anyone out there have any good ideas for me like maybe a path in Cisco
> certifications?  Maybe another email group I could sign up for to get
> this information?
> gj

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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