[ale] Laptop screen going out???

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at proteus-tech.com
Mon Mar 10 21:13:41 EST 2003

It's definitely not the embedded graphics because it works fine on my external monitor. 
Unfortunately it's more than a loose connection too. If I wait long enough, the thing flickers real 
harsh then it goes black. However, if I look close enough I can makeout my display and it is active, 
just no light. I guess my backlight is overheating now... :-( I'm not sure if that can be replaced by 
itself or not. Any laptop hardware types out there know any better?

	thanx & later,

		Ben Scherrey

3/10/2003 8:37:48 PM, M Cover <geek0goddess at netscape.net> wrote:

>Hi there, another alternative is ebay - they have great deals on part, I 
>have repace a LCD on my Toshiba, and is wonderful now, but make sure it 
>is only your LCD going out not the embedded graphics --- Later , m

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