[ale] Suggestions for future Linux Gettogether's
James P. Kinney III
jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Sat Mar 8 09:43:00 EST 2003
I was thinking it was scheduled for tonight (Saturday). Which I can't
make as I have plans to do something similar with friends over a viewing
of "Tank Girl".
On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 01:09, Christopher Bergeron wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ok, after sitting at the bar alone for an hour or two with a great big A
> L E napkin practically pasted on my forehead, and several laps around
> the bar wearing a glaring VA LINUX T-Shirt; I'd like to make the
> following suggestions for future "ALE GET-TOGETHER ENTHUSIASTS":
> ~ a) the primary person(s) that create the informal "meet" should be
> responsible for finding (or at least looking out for) fellow ALE'rs; my
> reasoning is that it's much more difficult for a single person to join a
> large group (particularly in a very crowded bar) than for a couple of
> members of the group to look out for "obvious ALE loners".
> ~ b) the primary person(s) that call the "gathering" should provide
> _at least_ 2 cell numbers of people that are "on-site" at the meeting.
> Fortunately, a few hours into the evening, I met some cool locals and
> "chatted out a few hotties". As such, I'm not going to complain about
> my night; however, my "intentions" for the evening were to meet up with
> my local (I live on N. Druid Hills Road [Lenox Park specifically])
> ALE'rs. It turned into a normal "I'm a guy and it's mating season
> [spring!], let's go to my place" type night.
> Too bad I was underdressed and in "geek" mode... If I would've prepared,
> I might've been able to turn that "chat" into "business"; but I digress....
> Did anyone show up tonight, or did today's traffic NIGHTMARE scare
> everyone into remaining home?
> Regards,
> - -CB
> Sean Kilpatrick wrote:
> | On Friday 07 March 2003 02:43 pm, tom hawks wrote:
> |
> | If anyone is interested, It is going to be held at
> | Famous Pub in the Toco Hills shopping center. I guess
> | 7pm is a good time to begin the festivities.
> |
> |
> | I'll see you there -- my wife is also out of town
> | and I am getting tired o my own cooking.
> |
> | Sean
> |
> |
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James P. Kinney III \Changing the mobile computing world/
CEO & Director of Engineering \ one Linux user /
Local Net Solutions,LLC \ at a time. /
770-493-8244 \.___________________________./
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