[ale] Speakeasy DSL (Anyone here have it?)

Ray Knight audilover at atlantabroadband.com
Sat Mar 8 03:18:57 EST 2003

On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 18:02, Mike Panetta wrote:
> Is anyone on this list using Speakeasy DSL?  I am thinking about getting
> their service, but its a bit more expensive then I was expecting... 
> What would I get for the price?  They mention static IPs, do they really
> give out multiple IPs?  (a 6net perhaps?)
> What are other Linux friendly ISP's out there?
> Thanks,
> Mike

I've had Speakeasy IDSL since 1999.  I've been extremely pleased with
the service and support (when needed) they have provided.  The price I'm
paying for IDSL is only a few dollars more now than it was in 1999.  The
difference is the Federal USF Fee.  

They do provide static IPs.  The number provided depends on your service
type and hardware.  My original install included a FlowPoint 144 with 4
ports.  They provided 4 static IP addresses.  When I moved I went with
the cable modem.  Reliability was non-existent with the cable modem and
I technically couldn't run any servers.  After 2 months I got my
Speakeasy IDSL back with 2 static IP addresses.  Now I have reliability
via the Speakeasy IDSL link and speed via the cable modem.  It's great
having redundant links.  

My FlowPoint 144 brouter died a little over a week ago, so I'm stuck
with the ping-pong reliability of the cable until the FlowPoint I bought
off ebay gets here.


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