[ale] [OT] electronics components parts store

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Tue Mar 4 16:13:32 EST 2003


On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 12:16, Christopher Bergeron wrote:
> Does anyone know of any Atlanta area "Fry's" or Digi-key like stores?  I 
> need some electronic components ASAP, and I'm not sure if I can get them 
> from Digikey in time...
> Specifically, I need a few PIC microprocessors, resistors and a 4Mhz 
> Crystal.
> Any leads are greatly appreciated,

	Thanks to Bob Stickel, I know of a place called Austin Electronics. 
It's off of Oakbrook Parkway, near Jimmy Carter Blvd.  Let me find the
address....6050 Center Pl NW, Norcross, GA 30093; (770) 449-8697.

	They have lots of stuff, but I don't know about PIC uP though.  The
resistors and crystals they should have.  Call 'em and ask!  They're NOT
open on Saturdays or Sundays :-(.

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