[ale] {a little OT] a little linux serendipity

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Jun 21 10:24:49 EDT 2003

I took my daughter to Borders last night to attend a gig they were 
having for the new Harry Potter book.  The gig started around 8:30 and 
was to end at 12:00 when you could pick up your copy of the book if you 
had pre-ordered.  Anyway, they had set up tables with little projects 
for the kids to do, and we were at the one that happened to be set up in 
the computer book section.  So I see these two guys checking out the RH 
books.  Of course I inquired as to there intentions. :)

Seems they just installed RH 9 and were trying to get a handle on some 
of the cle commands.  So, we got into a discussion of the merits of each 
dist., and I suggested they check out the www.ale.org website.  Seems 
one of these guys will be going to KSU next fall, so there was quite a 
bit of interest.

Funny how those things work out. :)

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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