[ale] SCO Tells Linux Users: Time To Pay Up
aaron at pd.org
Thu Jul 24 10:01:03 EDT 2003
On Tuesday 22 July 2003 14:27, Nathan J. Underwood wrote:
> Quoting Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net>:
> > Let's see, if every Linux user donated $1 to a fund to defend against
> > SCO's actions....
> Where can I send my $1?
The Free Software Foundation is always a good donation choice for supporting
general efforts in the legal defense of Open Source and GPL.
[ Though as I write this I find their server unreachable; hopefully traffic
overload from the publicity and not foul play. http://www.fsfeurope.org/
is up, but you don't seem to be able to donate to U.S. org from there.]
If the _eWeek note mentioned by John Mills is accurate...
" _eWeek quotes FSF spokespersons to the effect that charging
royalties is contrary to the GPL and suggesting they might sue
SCO to enjoin the practice."
...then your donation investment to the FSF would directly assist the efforts
to end the malicious SCO nuisance suites being funded (at least in large
part) by the convicted criminal monopolists of Micro$haft
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