[ale] OT: VI editing of large files.

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Jul 20 13:49:52 EDT 2003

Adrin wrote:
> I have a need to edit a very large file. on the Plus size of 43 megs.  Vi gives me an
> error message that the /tmp file is to large.  I know/think there is a way around this I
> just don't know.  Is there anyone out there that knows?

One possibility is to use split to break the file into more manageable 
chunks, then cat the parts back together after you're done editing.

You should be able to use either 'ed' or 'sed' to edit such large files. 
'sed' if you've got specific small changes, ed if you need a more 
interactive editing environment.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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