[ale] OT: family geekiness

Irv Mullins irvm at ellijay.com
Thu Jul 17 16:25:34 EDT 2003

On Thursday 17 July 2003 02:58 pm, J.M. Taylor wrote:
> Does that mean I'm doomed?  Neither of my folks is geeky in the slightest,
> but then I am adopted so maybe it's nature instead of nurture.
> Perhaps instead of pursuing geeky careers, I should go into accounting
> like dear old dad and quit fighting so hard... ;)

I was riding thru the mountains near home the other day, and 
noticed some land for sale. Which got me to thinking....

If I had gotten a job pumping gas instead of going to college, 
and had used that tuition money to buy a few acres of 
land each month,  I would now be facing retirement with a net worth 
somewhere between $50 and $100 million. 

If only I had known that when I was 20...


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