[ale] a couple of notes regarding posting to the list

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Jul 11 11:20:21 EDT 2003

I'm in the process of going through 146 messages that were posted to the 
list that require moderator intervention.  That's 146 in less than a week.

So, here's a few notes on this issue:

1. If you sometimes post from a different address then please subscribe 
that address and set the nomail option so that I don't have to spend so 
much time processing messages.

2. Use recognizable subjects as best you can.  I don't like spending a 
lot of time on this this process, so if the Subject is obviously not 
related, the message is discarded.  If I can't really tell by the 
subject, I'll glance at the first few lines of the message text, if it's 
html, it's discarded.  I'm not going to wade through html postings. 
Personally, I don't think you should be posting html messages anyway, 
but in some cases I can see it may not be avoidable.

3. Moderator intervention is required for different reasons, including:

a. postings by unsubcribed addresses.
b. postings that are too large.
c. postings where the message is sent to only Bcc: addresses.

Thanks for your assistance.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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