[ale] Slackware permissions problem?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Wed Jul 2 10:45:27 EDT 2003

You might have a security setting that made the choice on the 
/var/lib/spool's permissions.  I've noticed the locations of the cups 
directories vary from OS to OS.  Under IRIX it is under 
/var/spool/cups.  Anyway, if you want to recompile to fit your needs, 
you can do that.  As long as only lp can write to the spool directories, 
I believe your okay.  Don't make it world writeable if you can help it.  
Chown the /var/lib/spool/cups to lp.lp or lp.sys if you can.  Anyone 
know the best scenario?

David S. Jackson wrote:

>I was just getting CUPS configured on a Slack 9 box to queue jobs to a
>Debian lprng print server.  I've never used CUPS before, so let me know
>if I'm out to lunch here.
>Anyway, I was getting errors like "printer did not accept control
>file".  I chased my tail for a while learning what a control file was,
>but the job was showing up in the remote access log with no errors, so I
>looked back at the CUPS client (Slack 9) box.  I turned on verbose debug
>logging, saw a permissions problem:  something like "can't access
>/var/lib/spool/cups/c000123: permission denied".  I scratched my head
>and wondered why that should happen, since I thought the printer spool
>should really be over in /var/spool/lpd or somesuch.  I looked at
>/etc/cups/cupsd.conf and sure enough, the default seems to be in
>/var/lib/spool/cups.  Why can't they put it over in /var/spool? (or do
>they just expect me to put it where I want?)
>But /var/lib/spool was owned by root.sys with permissions of
>drwx------.  I'm not sure who creates that directory and its ownership. 
>Was that a CUPS installation convention or did Slack itself create that?
>Anyway, when I changed the ownership to lp.sys from root.sys on
>/var/lib/spool, everything worked fine.  Finally, this Slack 9 client is
>printing properly.
>So was this an installation problem with Slack?  Was it an installation
>problem with the CUPS slack package? Did I do a "no no" by changing
>permissions on /var/lib/spool?  Or do I need to send a bug report to
>somebody after I do some more checking?

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd. Bldg. 12
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:   dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
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