[ale] Bellsouth Sendmail Fix

Ryan Neily ryan at neily.net
Tue Jul 1 23:26:49 EDT 2003

If this gets posted, I've fixed the Bellsouth no-relay problem that people
has been complaining about.  I used some of the tips of James CE Johnson
which is using Postfix.  My solution is using Sendmail, but works much the

I added a redirect rule to my IPtables firewall script that redirects any
traffic coming from port 26 on the localhost interface to the bellsouth
SMTP server on port 25.  I used this iptables command:

$IPTABLES -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 26 -j DNAT

and then added the following directives to my sendmail.mc, m4'd it to
sendmail.cf and it seems to be working:

# This makes sendmail send everything on port 26
define(`SMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 26')

# This sets up the SMART_HOST to be the "localhost" which is Bellsouth
# Keep in mind there are a few other commands to setup SMART_HOST

The only reason why i think this works is because the Bellsouth SMTP
server sees the mail coming from a loopback addres, and thinks it's fine
instead of coming from an IP address on the Bellsouth dialup namespace.

This is kinda strange, and I am not sure why it works...

Ryan Neily
ryan at neily.net

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