[ale] OT: Job Market in Savannah (and other coastal communities)...

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Feb 26 08:54:09 EST 2003

Thanks for the link.

Has anyone considered contacting an out of state job opportunity and 
asked if they would consider a remote solution?  I've worked remote for 
the past 5 years and have been very successful.  As a matter of fact, I 
was the technical team lead for a small team of developers that was 
spread across 4 states and we were highly recognized (and rewarded) for 
our contributions.

Anyone else out there work for someone who supports either complete 
remote works (virtual office) or telecommuting on a regular basis (2-3 
days a week)?

Fulton Green wrote:
> www.HotLinuxJobs.com , though according to its website, the majority of
> its Linux jobs still appears to be in Silicon Valley ...

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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