[ale] phpmyadmin

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Wed Feb 12 15:30:25 EST 2003

Actually, This will simply tell Apache to look for a file called index.php
in a directory when that directory is specified in a url.  If that's what
you're trying to do and it's not working correctly, then the below fix
will work.  However, if you're actually typing index.php on the end of
your url (http://localhost/somedir/index.php) and apache is not handling
it properly, you've got bigger problems.

Php.net has an install guide that walks you through the steps to get it
working.  If the fix below mentioned doesn't do it (and the previous
AddType fix doesn't work), I suggest you take a look at that doc.


> That's easy to fix. search for a line that says "DirectoryIndex
> index.html index.htm . . .  and append "index.php"
> Restart Apache, and it should work.
> Josh

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