[ale] Nvidia Magic for dual head

Vernard Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Fri Feb 7 13:32:56 EST 2003

On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 11:25, Joe wrote:
> So I repeat my question: What's the point? There is no perceptible
> difference, AFAICT, between 10000fps and 100fps. Normal NTCS video is
> 30fps, and the discreteness of the signal is nearly imperceptible even
> at that rate. Why on earth would you ever need 10000fps for human
> eyeball consumption? And what kind of Tyranno-monitor do you need in
> order to accept that signal? (Jeez, the dot rate on that card probably
> overflows the value of a 32-bit integer...) Why should I waste my
> money on a 10000fps card as opposed to a 100fps card?

I can assure you that this is not doing 10,000 frames per second. I
don't care WHAT the software is saying its doing.

Sorry, but 10,000 FPS exceeds the theoretical bandwidth that the Ti4200
cards can sustain. So its can't be right. I also have one of these

Vernard Martin (vernard at cc.gatech.edu)
Rules to live by: 1) Don't sweat the small stuff 2) Its all small stuff
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