[ale] TwinView stupid question

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Feb 4 17:13:45 EST 2003

Here I go with a stupid question that is probably obvious to everyone but me:

If you want to use TwinView on an Nvidia based card, can you have the second monitor hooked to a second video card that isn't a Nvidia card?  If so, how do you tell the nvidia driver to use the second card?

I guess I am confused about TwinView.  I thought at first that there was no way to use TwinView unless your Nvidia card had multiple monitor/video outputs.  Mine doesn't as it is a cheapo AGP Geforce 2 MX420 or such with no TV out either.  So then, after reading some on the Web and in the Nvidia docs, I wasn't sure.  So I've tried setting it up with the Geforce 2 card and a SiS based PCI card.  But no juice on the second display.

So, now I am thinking that my first take was correct and I need a better Nvidia card.

I love 3D stuff and dual displays.  The TwinView gives that in a powerful way under Linux.  So am I right or not?  Any advice on the best way to do this?  I won't be out much money since I spent very little on the video cards I have.

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