[ale] OT: Java and Cookies

Denny Chambers dchambers at bugfixer.net
Fri Aug 29 15:46:28 EDT 2003

The way I was planning to handle it was something like:

int code = urlConn.getResponseCode();
if(code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK){
//Do something
else if(code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP ||
code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM ||
code == 307 /* HttpURLConnection doesn't have a define for this, but 
according to the HTTP spec it should be used over 302 */){

//Handle redirect

Christopher Fowler wrote:

>On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 02:21:18PM -0500, Denny Chambers wrote:
>>I am having my own problem, that maybe you can help with. I send a POST 
>>request to a URL with HttpURLConnection. tha URL sends back a 302 
>>Redirect. The problem happens when the HttpURLConnection goes to follow 
>>the redirect, it changes the request to a GET, and I loose the data that 
>>I was passing. Any clue on getting around this, before I start hacking 
>>it up and handling the redirect myself? Does this sound like a bug, or 
>>is this just the way redirects work? Sounds like a bug to me?
>This is the problem that I'm having.  So either we are experiencing the
>same thing or we both suck.  I fixed it with my hacked up code. When
>I get the 302 I have to get the files and also pass the cookie.  The only
>way I found this out is by using a redirector I wrote in C that simply logs
>all data going to the remote site to a file.  I just then tell Java to connect
>I dump html to /tmp and use appletviewer to look at it.  I tried to
>use JEditPane.setPage("file:/tmp/test.html") to run the html file
>with the applet but it says I have not java.  Is there a way to
>fix that?
>>Christopher Fowler wrote:
>>>On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 01:18:21PM -0500, Denny Chambers wrote:
>>>>Hey, It just so happens I am working on HttpURLConnection stuff right 
>>>>now. It sounds like the page that returns the frame sets does not return 
>>>>a Set-Cookie, but frame source URLs do return cookies. Is this correct?
>>>Actually it does do a set cookie.  Look at my hack code:
>>>import java.net.*;
>>>import java.io.*;
>>>public class Soc {
>>>  public static void main (String args[]) {
>>>      String cookie = null;
>>>      String message = new String (
>>>                  "POST /auth.asp HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
>>>                  "Content-Length: 45\r\n" +
>>>                  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" +
>>>                  "User-Agent: Java/1.4.1_02\r\n" +
>>>                  "Host:\r\n" +
>>>                  "Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, 
>>>                  */*; q=.2\r\n" +
>>>                  "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" +
>>>                  "\r\n" +
>>>                  "login=super&password=smart&action_login=Login");
>>>      try {
>>>          Socket soc = new Socket("", 80);
>>>          OutputStream os = soc.getOutputStream();
>>>          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
>>>                                  new 
>>>                                  InputStreamReader(soc.getInputStream()));
>>>          os.write(message.getBytes());
>>>          String s;
>>>          while((s = br.readLine()) != null) {
>>>              if(s.startsWith("Set-Cookie:") == true) {
>>>                  cookie = s.substring(12, s.indexOf(';'));
>>>              }
>>>          }
>>>          soc.close();
>>>      } catch (Exception exp) {
>>>          System.err.println("Error: " + exp.getMessage());
>>>          System.exit(1);
>>>      }
>>>      if(cookie == null) {
>>>          System.err.println("Authentication failure!\n");
>>>          System.exit(1);
>>>      }
>>>      try {
>>>          String s;
>>>          URL url = new URL("");
>>>          HttpURLConnection connection = 
>>>          (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
>>>          connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookie);
>>>          connection.setRequestProperty("Referrer", 
>>>          "");
>>>          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new 
>>>          InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
>>>          while((s = br.readLine()) != null) {
>>>              System.out.println(s);
>>>          }
>>>      } catch (Exception exp) {
>>>          System.err.println("Error: " + exp.getMessage());
>>>          System.exit(1);
>>>      }
>>>  }
>>>/* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 :*/
>>>This is crappy hack code.  I'd prefer to do it wit classes.  
>>>>I am not sure how the HttpURLConnection works with frames. Does it try 
>>>>to download each frame URL automatically? If so what you need are those 
>>>>URLConnections. From looking at your code what your looking for is a 
>>>>Set-Cookie header from the response that is returning the FrameSet HTML 
>>>>code, if that code does not send a cookie, you will not get one looking 
>>>>at that response data. If the HttpURLConnection is automatically making 
>>>>the request for all of the frame src, then that is telling me that the 
>>>>HttpURLConnection has a ContentHandler class that is parsing the html 
>>>>data, and making the necessary request. If that is true, then your 
>>>>answer may be in the ContentHandler class.
>>>Could be.  The response is a redirect response.  The redirected page
>>>is the page with all the framesets.
>>>>>I'm trying to do a POST and grab a cookie to be used for later 
>>>>>authentication. I hope that maybe you guys have done this
>>>>>before.  The aut.asp page is a simple POST form.  When the
>>>>>form is submitted it returns a frameset and a cookie.  I can
>>>>>not seem to get the the HttpURLConnection to get the cookie.  It
>>>>>seems that the conneciton does the post and then tries to
>>>>>receive each page of the framset.  However, I do not see
>>>>>and Cookies: being sent with those GET requests.  Is there a
>>>>>way to get this code to use the Set-Cookie that is being sent
>>>>>---------- Cut Here --------------------------------
>>>>>public static void main(String args[]) {
>>>>>    InputStream is;
>>>>>    int data;
>>>>>    String s;
>>>>>    DataOutputStream    printout;
>>>>>    String c;
>>>>>    try {
>>>>>        URL url = new URL("");
>>>>>        HttpURLConnection connection = 
>>>>>        (HttpURLConnection)u.openConnection();
>>>>>        String emit = "login=super&password=smart&action_login=Login";
>>>>>        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" + 
>>>>>        emit.length());
>>>>>        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", 
>>>>>        "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
>>>>>        connection.setUseCaches (false);
>>>>>        connection.setDoInput(true);
>>>>>        connection.setDoOutput(true);
>>>>>        connection.setFollowRedirects(false);
>>>>>        /* Not used now
>>>>>        connection.setRequestProperty(
>>>>>            "Authorization", 
>>>>>            "Basic " + "cm9vdDpwYXNzd29yZA=="
>>>>>        );      
>>>>>        */
>>>>>        connection.setDoOutput(true);
>>>>>        connection.setDoInput(true);
>>>>>        printout = new DataOutputStream (connection.getOutputStream ());
>>>>>        printout.writeBytes (emit);
>>>>>        printout.flush ();
>>>>>        printout.close ();
>>>>>        c = connection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie");
>>>>>        System.out.println("Cookie: " + c);
>>>>>        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new 
>>>>>        InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
>>>>>        System.out.flush();
>>>>>        while((s = br.readLine()) != null) {
>>>>>            System.out.println(s);
>>>>>        }
>>>>>    } catch (Exception Exp) {
>>>>>        System.err.println("Error: " + Exp.getMessage());
>>>>>        System.exit(1);
>>>>>    }
>>>>>---------- Cut Here --------------------------------
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