[ale] AGP Video recommendation...

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Aug 26 10:14:21 EDT 2003

You don't need one then.  I am used to people wanting to play Tux, 
Quake, and so on, as well as doing 2D stuff.  Plus our apps are 3D 
modelling apps for biochem so the 3D is necessary and wonderful.  The 
proprietary end of Nvidia's drivers is bothersome to some and not to 
others but for you it doesn't matter.  I wouldn't get a high end 3D card 
if I didn't need it.  I'd look for the best compatibility at a decent 
price.  One definite way to pick a card is to look at the X docs on the 
web for the version of X your using.  You can find the video card 
section where they give caveats and info about the different cards.  It 
will help eliminate choices but not recommend a particular card.  I'd 
think the reliability and 2D emphasis on the Matrox cards would be 
good.  I also have been getting thoroughly hooked on the multiple 
monitor setup.  Matrox will do well with this via a single card with 
three outputs and high 2D performance or multiple cards in a Xinerama 
configuration.  Its up to you what you want.  Even the low cost Trident 
cards will usually be supported for 2D applications.  Check out 
www.xfree.org and dive into the docs for your version of X.


Shows that if I wanted to put Linux MIPS on an Indy then I could use the 
4.3.0 newport driver but couldn't use 3.3.6.  I think this type info is 
more important for you at this stage.  There are just so many cards out 
there that would do what you want.  Hope this helps,

Christopher Fowler wrote:

>The quesiton I was trying to ask is if I do not play games and use my
>box for development, internet, blah, whay would I need an NVidia or
>ATI card?  I'm just curious if these cards provide anything over what is
>onboard most PC's purchased today for the casual user.
>On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 04:50:31PM -0500, ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
>>I don't understand your question. The poster implies he wants to buy a card.
>>While he did not say he was a gamer, usually if someone is shopping for an AGP 
>>card they want more performance than a built in card has to offer. 
>>Suggestion to the Brian: 
>>IF you have a built in video card AND it meets your needs, 
>>(it will probably work with RedHat) - so use it.  (obviously)
>>On Monday 25 August 2003 16:20, Christopher Fowler wrote:
>>>If I'm not playing 3D games under Linux than what is this
>>>card worth to me[?]  I just use the SIS that is on-board for my
>>>>>>Does anyone have a recommendation for an AGP (not PCI) X video card?
>>>>>>Red Hat (at least) doesn't list any in their HCL. (Am using 4.3.0)
>>Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
>>Drew Brown
>>Ale mailing list
>>Ale at ale.org
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>Ale at ale.org

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428           
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744           
1000 Chastain Rd. Bldg. 12                                
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:   dhurst at kennesaw.edu  
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
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