[ale] [OT] Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent or Not.

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Mon Aug 25 18:48:04 EDT 2003

> > Why did the Omniscient [Biblical] God create an angel that He knew would
> > "fall" and become the Devil?
> > 	In other words, why did God endorse and create the Devil?
> For the sake of "free will".   A bit of randomness in the pattern is
> obviously going to produce negative effects from time-to-time, but such
> randomness is neccessary for humanity (and angels) to be more than
> sock-puppets on the hand of divinity...

You're kidding right?
1. om·nis·cient - Having total knowledge; knowing everything.
That means He knew that whether or not you would have faith in Him before He 
created Adam and Eve. According to the Bible, God created our existence 
knowing *everything* that would happen. He created the circumstances that led 
to your existence with full knowledge that you would exist AND what your 
"will" would be. If God does not know everything, he is not omnipotent.

2. Ironically, 30% of the Ten Commandments given by God are seem "egocentric":
Egocentric: Holding the view that the ego is the center, object, and norm of 
all experience.
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' 
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything 
that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the 
water under the earth.' (no idols which would distract you from loving Him)
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
Moreover, it is the first 30% implying that it is the most important.

3. In summary:
Either you don't believe an all-powerful (including the power to know 
everything including what the results will be) and all-knowing God as 
described in the Bible (and thus your answer is outside the scope the the 
you have not thought much about of how "free will" (The power of making free 
choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such 
as fate or divine will) conflicts with Divine Will.
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

I understand that some Christians believe that God can be omnipotent but not 
use his power to control individual humans all of the time. The same 
Christians would say God would use his power to "unknow." Of course if he 
knew he knew, he would know - so he would still know. Therefore, He would 
have to not know he knew to not know. And, if He does not know he knew, he is 
not all-knowing. ;)
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