[ale] tcsh history command question

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Aug 25 14:51:42 EDT 2003

Yes!! Thanks a bunch for that!  That was exactly what I was after!  It 
was amazing watching Bob work the shell to his advantage.  He had 
aliases and shell commands plus regular expressions syntax working for 
him so that changes were happening so fast I could hardly follow.  It's 
been a couple of years since he set up our VPN but that experience still 
resonates in my mind.  Thanks,

Fletch wrote:

>>>>>>"Dow" == Dow Hurst <dhurst at kennesaw.edu> writes:
>    Dow> I've seen Bob Toxen do this but can't remember the syntax.
>    Dow> Let's say you have a previous command you want to access and
>    Dow> edit in a simple way.  How could I easily incorporate a sed
>    Dow> s/X/Y/g type syntax into a history retrieval command?  Here
>    Dow> is my example of what I'd like to do:
>>Aslan 58% cp /etc/stdcshrc ./nmarshal/.cshrc
>>Aslan 73% !58 s/cshrc/profile/g
>You probably want:
>That should work in most anything with a csh-y history mechanism
>(i.e. (t?c|ba|z)sh; although why anyone would be using anything but
>the last . . . :).  As an aside / would work, I just tend to use , as
>a seperator out of habit as it avoids clashes with any /'s in paths.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428           
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744           
1000 Chastain Rd. Bldg. 12                                
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:   dhurst at kennesaw.edu  
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144                                        
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