[ale] Burp in the mailing list?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Aug 25 07:12:54 EDT 2003

Jeff Layton wrote:
> Good morning,
>   I came into work this morning without any ALE mail :( I went
> to the homepage and discovered I didn't exist any more in the
> mailing list (not always a bad thing, but I do like the ALE mailing
> list :) How come I got dropped? Was I naughty again?

You tell us? :) I assist Chris with maintaining the email list, by way 
of addressing the messages that are posted by nonmembers as well as 
subscribers who seem to have problems.  That being said, I did not do 
anything with your email addr. recently and have not seen any problems 
with it.  I doubt Chris did anything either as I would have seen bounced 
messages regarding your addr, which I have not.

Typically, if we see the same email address bouncing list messages 
because of a full mailbox or such, we remove it from the list. 
Generally we'll give it some time, but it's more based on the volume of 
bounced messages then time.  If the error is something along the lines 
of "addr doesn't exist" then it's removed immediately from the list.

Has it been a while since you've used the list?  It's possible your 
addr, had problems a while back and was removed at that time, but I 
don't recall.

> Thanks!
> Jeff

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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