[ale] Acceptance of Linux on the desktop

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Aug 23 20:56:13 EDT 2003

Sean Kilpatrick wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Saturday 23 August 2003 05:00 pm, Geoffrey wrote:
>>You obviously have very limited experience with Windows. 
> Yup!
> Win 3.1: looked sexy at the time.

Hated it personally.  But it did not crash like the later crap.  Did 
have major problems with it locking up when playing games.

> Win 95: Crashed too often so I ran to OS/2

Went to OS/2 for a computer at my wife's school.  95 is where I've had 
the most hardware problems.

> Win 98: Better than Win 95, but that's not saying much!

I see little difference between the two, expect I've not experienced 
hardware problems with 98.

> Win 2000: Clearly the best of the lot, but the EULAs
>           are absurd.

Haven't touched it.  Both versions of NT really sucked big time with 
hardware issues.

> Win XP: according to the reviews not as solid as Win 2k,
> and I have no reason to ever upgrade another M$ OS.

I've heard of all kinds of problems with XP and hardware.  I've been 
assisting one client with issues, from printer problems to network 
problems.  It's pretty, but don't touch it..

> That said, I have never had a problem hooking up a
> computer peripheral to either Win 98 or Win 2k. USB
> devices of all sorts, printers (admitedly major brands
> only), scanners (ditto). Same goes for Modems: major
> brands, external only.
> Don't play games needing joysticks since my Atari 8-bit
> died, so have never had do deal with joystick/controller
> headaches.

95 crashed when I attempted to install a usb camera.  95 locked up when 
playing a game with a joystick device (steering wheel for a race type 
game).  Tons of sound card problems with 98 and both versions of NT. 
Major problems with NT when attempting to install a scsi scanner.  Modem 
problems with a laptop running NT.

> My dream is to be able to purchase a USB 2 film scanner,
> plug it in and grab the manufacturer's software disk and
> install the drivers (including  any dependencies) and have
> the thing work the way the manual says it will -- under
> Linux.
> Someday.

We have the same dream... :)

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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