[ale] A little show of force?

Nathan J. Underwood lists at cybertechcafe.net
Thu Aug 21 22:51:30 EDT 2003

Where can I send my money?  Do you take PayPal?  When we gonna run the ad? :-D 
Umm, that don't sound like a bad idea (trying to curb my excitement)

Quoting "Hogg, Russell E" <ctcrreho at opm.gov>:

> Hmmm...
> How much does a one page one time add in the AJC cost...
> Split across a hundred members of a mailing list..
> Probably still steep..
> ____________________________________________
> ctcrreho at opm.gov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: F. Grant Robertson [mailto:f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 1:18 PM
> To: ale at ale.org
> Subject: Re: [ale] A little show of force?
> Something, anything..  Please dear god in heaven. Anything to wake up
> anyone in media. I don't know if a show is the idea, but couldn't we all
> start writing letters to local stations demanding that they at least
> present the whole picture when talking about viruses? 
> I just watched a 5 minute segment on Fox 5 news about SoBig. In 5
> minutes, not _one_ _single_ _solitary_ _mention_ of the fact that only
> Microsoft systems are vulnerable, no mention of business who use macs or
> linux being immune.. nothing. They didn't even use the *word* microsoft
> in the report. I really didn't think it was possible to do 5 minutes on
> it without using the word Microsoft, but they managed.
> I am consistently amazed at this. If *anything* else caused such massive
> disruption, the media would stand on it like a soapbox. Crikey, they
> even did most of the report from the VA hospital, not a single mention
> of the wasted tax dollars in productivity or IT overtime. I'm so fed up
> with this, and I know many of you are too.. what are we going to do
> about it?  
> Sigh, Linux needs a massive PR machine. 
> -G
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Nathan J. Underwood
nathan at cybertechcafe.net
Ale mailing list
Ale at ale.org

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