[ale] new laptop time ... need suggestions

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 21 21:55:01 EDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dow Hurst
> Sent: Thursday, 21 August, 2003 13:59
> Anyone using the new g standard is running XP.  Ha!
> Caught you redhanded there! ;-)

I'm not actually using 54g yet, I just don't want to buy a laptop today and
not have tomorrow's functionality. :)

For the record, I don't run XP on my laptop, but I do run it at home on my
'playstation'.  My current laptop runs 2K, but in all fairness 50% of what I
do _on_ my laptop is in a Linux VMWare session, the other 50% is email,
powerpoint and Word (remember, I don't buy any of this).  100% of what I do
_from_ my laptop involves *nix so a Linux laptop will work fine for that.
I'm sure that I will still be doing powerpoint, email, and word docs; but I
will just use openoffice and Evolution (I don't dual-boot).

I've been very impressed (inspired?) by seeing several of my good friends,
co-workers, customers who have rock-solid Linux laptops that they use
everyday in their line of work.  Most of them use some flavor of RedHat, I
just happen to personally like Debian.  Note: no intended slack about
RedHat, I use enterprise RHN servers on some side stuff that I do and it is
a very good production distro/solution.  I just have a soft spot for apt.

Thanks for all the suggestions/advice everyone, I'm a much more informed
consumer now.

-Jim P.

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