[ale] bringing you the Windows ATM...
bob at verysecurelinux.com
Thu Aug 21 15:25:28 EDT 2003
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 11:20:53AM -0400, Jeff Rose wrote:
> I actually saw this at Magic Johnson theatres by Greenbriar Mall. Had
> to chuckle. Also had an ATM in a Kroger eat my card. It rebooted and I
> noticed it running OS/2.
And during Slapper, apparently all of Bank of America's ATMs went down
due to the M$, er, Slapper infestation.
In the past few days, I understand that the incompetent companies closing
operations temporarily due to the blast virus & M$ include Air Canada,
a Swiss bank, and a U.S. power utility. The Great Northeast Blackout
of 2003's timing with blaster seems coincidental but who knows.
> On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 19:22, Jim Philips wrote:
> > and now if we can get it running...er...here:
> > http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=11130
Bob Toxen
bob at verysecurelinux.com [Please use for email to me]
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"Microsoft: Unsafe at any clock speed!"
-- Bob Toxen 10/03/2002
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