[ale] [OT] [RANT] Torvalds "SCO Smokes Crack"!!

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu Aug 21 13:50:05 EDT 2003

On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 01:18:31PM -0400, F. Grant Robertson wrote:
> Troll much?

Hen I first read it it sounded like two possibilities.

1) The code really sucked and we removed it.

2) We found out it did orignate from SCO and removed it.  We
   do not wnat them to know about it so lets produce a smart

2 possibilities. Lets just hope #1 was the real one.  So many people
have worked on the kernel that it is a real possibility that some
code did leak out and finds its way in there.  Does that mean that
that give SCO to rights to all the code from this moment forward?  No.

If thye showed the code then it would be removed and then they would
have no case.  Just the fact they do not show the code is damaging thier
chance of success even greater.

> -G
> On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 12:01, aaron wrote:
> > SCO is more like "Liar Boy" Bush or all the crybaby California 
> > Republi-cons refusing to accept the simple fact that they lost, and then 
> > resorting to any underhanded, unethical or illegal scheme they can cook up to 
> > rig or undermine the system and steal what doesn't belong to them.
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