[ale] OT: virus count

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Wed Aug 20 22:02:05 EDT 2003

ALErs -

On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Geoffrey wrote:

> Kevin Krumwiede wrote:

> > Zero.  I guess Comcast is filtering.  Kudos on them!
> Ah, but what else are they filtering?  Leave me to my own filtering, 
> thank you. :)

Speakeasy recently set new filtering policies: Spam filtering got the 'opt
out' approach (I opted out - I hit 'd' by reflex; my wife didn't and she
hasn't gotten so many Viagra offers nor investment schemes lately.). Virus
filtering is mandatory: you get a notice if anything for you hit their
traps, and it's held for a specified time against your specifically
requesting to receive it. Given that virii cause them problems and cost
money, I am satisfied with that approach.

That said, 2-3 variants of SoBig got sent to my wife's iMac &8-) before
the filtering was tuned up and they changed to "You got a doubtful piece
of mail" notes. I got a stack of "YOU sent a virus!!" nastigrams, mostly
propagated through the two freebsd lists I subscribe to. (Those are open
by design -- which is naturally good for a bit of flameage everytime
something like this happens.)

I must have a better class of friends. &;-) Oops - no - I just hit 'd' a
lot. I probably killed a dozen malicious e-mails among the 150 mostly
uninteresting ones I dumped.

I also sent notes to some of my correspondents that I would always alert
them before sending them any mail attachments. Seemed like a reasonable 

 John Mills
 john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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