[ale] Interesting Issue with IE Apache and SSL

Ryan Matteson mattesonry at corp.earthlink.net
Wed Aug 20 12:12:13 EDT 2003

You might find it useful to stick ssldump between IE and the web server 
in question. Check to make sure that that SSL hanshake message occur, 
and pay careful attention to the SSL alerts. Are you trying to utilize 
SSLv3 or TLS on the client/server? I have found ssldump very useful
for debugging IE problems.

- Ryan

Denny Chambers wrote:

> Does this sound like your problem?
> http://www.mail-archive.com/openssl-users@openssl.org/msg29434.html
> Denny Chambers wrote:
>> For SSL are you using self signed certificates? IE has had a history 
>> of not doing self signed certificates very well. One version for the 
>> Mac would not work at all with self signed certificates (v3). You may 
>> want google around to finds some of the work arounds when using 
>> openssl and MSIE
>> Denny
>> Geoffrey wrote:
>>> Robert Coggins wrote:
>>>> OK all,
>>>> I have an interesting delima. I am trying to run a website on a host
>>>> using RedHat 7.3 with apache. I (and customers) kept running into an
>>>> issue where I would get random page not found errors. However, I
>>>> found this would only happen with Internet Explorer. I code on linux
>>>> using Mozilla as my test browser so I never noticed it until people
>>>> brought it to my attn. I could not for the life of me figure out why
>>>> this only happened in IE only.
>>> Maybe cause it sucks? :)
>>>> I started recoding the whole site thinking it was a gliche in my code.
>>>> Now, tonight I thought I would retest some of my new code on IE.
>>>> Sure enough I would get that error every now and then. However
>>>> tonight I have the sound turned up on my windows box. I noticed this
>>>> only happens when I try to click on a link I hear an odd, very rapid,
>>>> clicking sounds. Faster than I can possibly click the mouse. I
>>>> figure this is messing up the process of sending and receiving acks
>>>> from the server. I know this is at least a part screw up in IE
>>>> sending the rapid clicks like that. But is there a way to not accept
>>>> but one of these clicks on the server side to keep from getting the
>>>> page not found error? Or maybe in my code "trap" more than one click
>>>> request?
>>> The browser should not be responding to a 'non-click.' That is, the 
>>> browser should only respond when you send a request. Are you doing 
>>> any mouseover stuff? (javascript maybe)
>>>> One other thing. I am not 100% sure yet. But I think this might
>>>> only happen when I am using SSL on https://.
>>> Is it possible that the settings on IE aren't permitting ssl, and 
>>> rather then provide a reasonably useful message, it's puking?
>>> It would likely help if you could narrow it down to ssl.
>>> Do you see anything in the logs? Certainly you must be getting an 
>>> error in the error log if they can't find a page?

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