[ale] Re: Trying to make the switch to Linux

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Aug 14 09:26:02 EDT 2003

John Marasco wrote:

> Linux can read and write NTFS from NT 4.0 and FAT although you should 
> re-partition your hard drive anyway.

You do not want to write NTFS from Linux.  It will very likely corrupt 
the NTFS system.  DO NOT WRITE NTFS FROM LINUX.  There, got that out.

Seriously, writing to NTFS from Linux is still quite dangerous.  I would 
never mount an NTFS filesystem writeable.  From the 2.4.20 kernel source 

If you say Y here, you will (maybe) be able to write to NTFS file
systems as well as read from them. The read-write support in NTFS
is far from being complete and is not well tested. If you say Y
here, back up your NTFS volume first, since it will probably get
damaged. Also, download the Linux-NTFS project distribution from
Sourceforge at <http://linux-ntfs.sf.net/> and always run the
included ntfsfix utility after writing to an NTFS partition from
Linux to fix some of the damage done by the driver. You should run
ntfsfix _after_ unmounting the partition in Linux but _before_
rebooting into Windows. When Windows next boots, chkdsk will be
run automatically to fix the remaining damage.
Please note that write support is limited to Windows NT4 and
earlier versions.

I couldn't have said it better.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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