[ale] Re: [ale-admin] Offer to host meetings

Doug McNash dmcnash at charter.net
Wed Aug 13 09:31:01 EDT 2003

Why don't we just get a big tent (and I suppose some 
generators) and have roving meetings.  We could set up in 
vacant lots or malls like the traveling carnivals. 

We could even have Linux Revivial meetings too.  We are 
all Linux evangalists. We need to convert the masses and 
show them the one true way.  

Renounce MicroSatan and follow the path (/home) to 
rightousness....Leave this computer you evil demon 
virus...When I lay my floppy on you you will be 
healed...We shall follow the penguin where ever he 

Doug McNash <dmcnash at yahoo.com>
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